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当前位置:家教网首页 > 太原家教网 > 外语学习 > 英语热词:来盘“豆腐火鸡”?


【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-04-21


2014年,美国西雅图市,市长艾德 默里(Ed Murray)别出心裁地“赦免”了一只“豆腐火鸡”。

Tofurkey (a portmanteau of tofu and turkey) is faux turkey, a meat substitute in the form of a loaf or casserole of vegetarian protein, usually made from tofu (soybean protein) or seitan (wheat protein) with a stuffing made from grains or bread, flavored with a broth and seasoned with herbs and spices.


Tofurkey is oven-roasted or baked and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. It can be homemade or purchased ready-made and frozen from multiple sources such as health food stores or specialty grocers, or ordered online and shipped in insulated packing.




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